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Frequently Asked Questions about the new 2005 SAT Test



What is the SAT?

Many college and universities require their applicants to take a three-hour and 45 minute standardized examination called the SAT, commonly referred to as the SAT test. Consequently, most of you as high school juniors and seniors will take this test as part of the college admissions process. The SAT purports to evaluate student's reading, writing, and mathematical reasoning abilities. As a result, you will actually get three scores, a critical reading score, a math score and a writing score, each of which will lie between 200 and 800. For each part of the SAT test the median score is 500, meaning that about 50 percent of all students score below 500 and about 50 percent of all students score 500 or above.


When Do I take the SAT test?

Most students take the SAT twice, once during their junior year and again in the fall of their senior year.


How do I sign up to take the SAT?

Your school guidance office should have copies of the Registration Bulletin, which provides information on how to register for the SAT test by mail.


If you cannot obtain the bulletin at your school, you can obtain copies from:


College Board SAT

P.O. Box 6200
Princeton, NJ 08541-6200


Or Call - (609) 771-7588

You can also register for the SAT on-line. To take advantage of this service, go to:


What Does the SAT Test?

The critical reading sections of the SAT test your reading skills and your vocabulary. One goal of the SAT exam is to determine whether when you read a passage you understand what the author is saying and can make valid conclusions based on the text. Another goal is to determine if the level of your vocabulary is sufficiently high for you to be able to read college level texts. These sections contain two types of questions: sentence completion questions and critical reading questions.


The quantitative sections of the SAT test are less a test of your knowledge of arithmetic, geometry, and algebra than they are of your ability to reason logically. What many students find difficult about these questions is not the level of mathematics - much of the exam is based on topics in arithmetic, algebra, and geometry taught in middle school. Most topics taught in high school are not included and almost every question is based on mathematics that is taught by the ninth grade. Rather, the difficulty lies in the way the test-takers must use the mathematics they already know as they reason through the solutions.

I have more questions.  Where should I look for?

You can contact us or check out more FAQs posted on the College Board SAT web site.  We will also periodically update our Resource section.  Please check it back.



*The information is partly extract from the following sources:

  1. Barron's How to prepare for the New SAT 22nd Edition
  2. The Official SAT Study Guide, College board.


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